I have several advance degrees and I have been going to school since I was 5 years old.
Over the years I have had a boatload of teachers. Pastors,teachers, professors (both men and women), coaches, mentors, spiritual directors, family, friends,and therapists all have guided me. I thank God for all of my teachers because I needed each one at a specific time in my life. Some of my teachers I really loved; others not so much!
I still remember the name of my kindergarten teacher, Mrs. January. She made such an impression on me in 1961. Mrs. January was a tall, robust, African American woman with a big hairdo. She was kind, soft spoken and seemed to take particular interest in that confused little girl, my 5 year old self. (I was a cry baby for a long time)
Today as I look back over the last 67 years of my life, I realize that for me, the G.O.A.T. (greatest of all teachers) was and is prayer. Learning to pray, to communicate with the One and Holy God and the practice of prayer has taught me more than obtaining all of the degrees combined!
The practice of prayer has been my most consistent, demanding, and faithful teacher. The lessons learned through the practice of prayer are too many to share in this one blog and I will blog about many prayer lessons as I continue to write; my life is a prayer.
I know that inquiring minds want to know what exactly has prayer as a teacher taught me?
Lesson One: prayer has taught me about myself, who I am (I am loved of God;a new creation in Christ); who I am not (lost, abandoned or stupid, as one of my Ball State University college professors told me.) and who God made me to be (unique, original, made in the image and likeness of God) In the Latin, the word is imago dei. (I learned that in seminary!)
From my earliest experience, some 55 years now, God, through the practice of prayer, has been talking to me about me, my hurts, my habits and my hang ups; my joys and my challenges. I have been schooled in this unshakeable truth that has transformed my life; that I have value, worth and I am highly esteemed and loved by God my Creator! Isaiah 43:4 "Since you are precious in My sight, you have been honored and I have loved you;
Muhammad Ali, Simone Biles and Tom Brady have been called the G.O.A.T. in their respective athletic fields and rightly earned! Well, I cant box like Ali, walk a balance beam like Simone or run 1123 rushing yards like Brady, but I can pray! Prayer is my G.O.A.T. and the lessons continue.
Rev. Dr. Betty J. Tom
Teacher, preacher, motivational speaker, lover of books, Loved by God.